Installation and registration of That’s Rights!, EasyRoyalties and That’s Rights Agents —Version 4
First-time installations You can download a copy of the software from this page. (This page is protected; please contact our Help Desk to obtain a password.) Please review the System requirements before you launch the installation process; for multiple-user installations please review Remote Access Options.
Choose your product and click on the appropriate link to begin the download, then “Run” to begin the installation. The installation wizard guides you through the installation —click “Next” on each screen to continue. When the wizard finishes, you’re all done, and an evaluation copy is ready to use.
You can launch your copy of the software by double-clicking the program icon that you should now find on your desktop. Click “Continue with trial” to use the software in evaluation mode.
If you already have (or have just acquired) a license for allocating this copy of the software to a user, please write to client support to obtain registration credentials of that user; then proceed with registration. NOTE: Our registration procedure has changed in 2018, and old license keys, usernames or passwords may no longer work. (For more information please see Unique-user account registration.)
Named-user registration Each user must register their copy of the software with individual credentials.
— At the registration window click “Activate registration”
— At the dialogue window enter your individual username and password that were provided to you.
Connecting to your database Go to Options and settings > Connection management > Current connection > Change database > Browse and select your database file > OK.
Database compatibility after updates When you launch That’s Rights!/EasyRoyalties after an update, you may be asked to confirm that you want to upgrade your database to the new format. Say “Yes” (That’s Rights!/EasyRoyalties will make a copy of your database for backup purposes, and will then proceed to upgrade your database so that it can work with the latest version of the software). IMPORTANT: If you are using That’s Rights!/EasyRoyalties with multiple users sharing a single database, all users will have to update to this latest version of the software. The first user to open the database will change the database to the new format; from there on, other users will have to update before they can access the database.
A User Manual for version 4 is available from within your software (See ‘Help’); the manual is in pdf format; you can save it outside the software. Please note that after the sunset of version 4 (31 December 2021) our HelpDesk will be unable to provide assistance with version 4 or answer and how-to questions.
IMPORTANT: Please consult the terms of use of your products regularly to stay informed of our latest enhancements and policy.
Questions? Contact us!